CALL TODAY : 416-769-2900
Mary Ann and Janet DiBernardo:
Latitude 44 Gallery Framing Decor
With over 25 years of corporate and retail framing experience, Janet and Mary Ann have owned and operated an extensive custom framing shop and gallery. We are proud to have served and continue to serve both corporate and residential clients.

Our Fabulous Location
Originally opened in Mississauga, we relocated to a fabulous location in the historic Junction area of Toronto, Canada’s biggest and most vibrant city. Latitude 44 Gallery Framing Decor is a multifaceted company that remains involved in the local community. We are dedicated to art in all its traditional disciplines as well as its current edge slicing mediums. We are also mandated to showcase, support and preserve the work of Canadian artists.
Visit Us in The Junction
As professional framing experts, we offer a select and extensive line of frames and framing materials as well as a large selection of global decor. All of our custom framing is done in-house by Janet and Mary Ann. We offer original works of art as well as limited editions, and catalogues of reproductions. Get in touch with us, or visit the gallery to learn more about pricing and the products we sell.